The Three Garridebs Scion Information

The Three Garridebs is a Scion Society of The Baker Street Irregulars. Our primary purpose is to "study" Sherlock Holmes through the writings of Dr. John H. Watson and others -- and to have fun doing it.

Yes, we believe (know) that Dr. Watson is primarily responsible for the Canon -- the 56 short stories and four novels that tell the true story of the world's first consulting detective. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was Watson's literary agent.)

Our group was founded in 1973 by the merger of three local groups. The majority of our members live in the New York Metropolitan area, but we do have members in several states and abroad. Our mailing list is approximately 125 to 150 (addresses), and we usually have 30 - 60 members at each meeting. Annual dues are $6.00 per person, $10.00 for two or more at the same address.

We have seven meetings a year -- four regular meetings and three special ones. The four regular meetings are held in January, March, May, and November, usually on the third Saturday of the month. These meetings are typically held at Greenburgh Library and revolve around an assigned story. Each meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. and includes refreshments, toasts to at least four Sherlockian characters, a quiz on the afternoon's story (participation is optional) and an opportunity for any member to present a paper, a poem, or any other offering on any Sherlockian topic. Most are related to the afternoon's story, but this is not required. There is a 10-minute time limit, so eveyone can participate. There are numerous volunteers, and the variety of presentations is quite broad. After a break, the meeting continues with an activity (e.g., a game or discussion), announcements of Sherlockian events, and the traditional closing poem. This poem, "A Long Evening with Holmes", was written by the late Bill Schweickert, a former officer of the group.

The special meetings are a Victorian Picnic and Afternoon Tea, held in September at a local park, and two dinner meetings (an Awards Dinner in July and our Blue Carbuncle Luncheon on or about December 27th). Regular meetings are free, the two dinners cost about $30.00 per person, and attendees are asked to contribute to the picnic and tea -- sandwiches, dessert, or other items. We supply the china, silverware, linens, etc.

Anyone is welcome to attend a few meetings before deciding to become a dues-paying member. Dues-paying members receive a membership card, as well as the bi-monthly Foolscap Document (our newsletter). They are also eligible for several awards and sometimes there are other special "perks".