Three Garridebs Investitures

An Investiture is a title bestowed on a Garrideb member. Investitures are taken from the Sherlockian story "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs" from which our group also takes its name. The following Investitures have been awarded:

NAMEDATEINVESTITURE Accardo, Pasquale 7/18/99 The Bow Window *Aig, Marlene 5/17/91 The Foolscap Document Amick, Charles 5/12/89 Holloway *Amick, Georgia 5/12/89 Steele Astle, Paul7/21/96A Britisher with Solid References *Babur, Agha5/17/85Waldron Berdan, Marshall7/22/07A Worldwide Hiker Bradway, Jeff7/18/04An Affidavit of Existence *Brodie, Robert5/02/92A Local Advertisement Byrne, Ursula7/18/99An Early Georgian *Carver, Robert7/19/98Rogues' Gallery Chomanczuk, Roman7/17/11Brixton *Clark, Edward6/13/86The Newgate Calendar *Cleary, Adele5/20/83Mrs. Turner *Cleary, James5/02/82The Hans Sloane of His Age Corwin, Arnold7/21/02A Confederate in Crime *Crupe, Peter5/12/89The Neanderthal Skull Czarnecki, Anthony7/21/13C.I.D. Man Dahlinger, Susan5/18/84The Hundred Pound Note Darak, Greg5/02/92A Wandering American Deschamps, Peter5/18/80James Winter *DeStefano, James5/20/83Dr. Lysander Starr *Douty, Robert Watson7/21/02"Killer" Evans Duncan, Susan5/28/87This American Lawyer Eliasoph, Ira7/22/12His Arresting Eyes *Enberg, Henry5/28/87The Bohemian Bachelor *Fink, Joseph5/02/92An Element of Comedy Fish, Carol7/20/08A Bit of Professional Business Fish, Ron7/16/00Arkansas River Fleesak, Margaret7/18/04An Adequate Catalog Freeman, Judith7/17/05A Case of Butterflies *Friedman, Ted5/16/93 A National Collection *Gilman, Len7/21/02Waldron Gregory, Al7/18/10 A Wild Goose Hannan, Catalina7/15/01 A Student of Many Subjects Herman, Herb5/02/92The Wheat Pit Herzog, Evelyn5/18/84The Alexandrian School Hinckley, Jane7/21/96 A Certain Devilish Ingenuity Hinckley, Paul7/18/99Constructor of Agricultural Machinery Hollis, Sabina7/09/06 A Storehouse of Odd Knowledge Hunt, Harrison7/21/13 A Small Museum *Klatt, Marilyn7/16/00My Favorite Covert Kozinn, Sandy5/21/95The Artesian Well Leighton, Michael5/22/94Nathan Garrideb *Levine, Art7/16/00Moorville Levine, Judith7/17/11 A Partner and Confidant *Livingston, Bud7/18/99 A Gentleman at Large Locurto, Elyse7/19/09 A Lovely Spring Evening Ludemann, Robert7/21/19Our Wild West Friend Manifold, Laurie Fraser7/13/03 A Castle in the Air McIntyre, Peter7/16/00A Sporting Bird *Moran, Joseph5/08/87Morecroft Nadel, William5/19/90Georgian Beyond Doubt *Nolan, Jeanne5/19/90Queen Anne Poggiali, Len7/20/14 A Very Intelligent Man Pollak, Michael7/17/05A Birmingham Newspaper Pond, Nancy5/16/93Your Sweet Self *Pond, Walter6/13/86The Birmingham Agent *Randall, Warren5/19/90Agony Column Reynolds, Rebecca7/21/13A Clear Account Reynolds, Troy7/22/12The Foolscap Document Rodziewicz, Charlotte7/18/04A Captivating Prospect Russo, John5/16/93The Edgeware Road Schulz, Fran7/22/18A Twinkle of Amusement *Schweickert, Eleanor5/20/83Mrs. Barrymore *Schweickert, William5/22/94Alexander Hamilton Garrideb Singleton, Paul5/19/90Cro-Magnon Skull Spessotti, Linda5/16/93Little Ryder Street *Thomalen, Robert5/22/94John Garrideb *Thomalen, Theresa5/20/83Mrs. Saunders Thomas, Drew5/21/95Waterloo Road *Tolins, Stephen5/18/84The Heidelberg Skull Torrese, Dante5/17/91The Brass Microscope *Utecht, Thom5/17/91The Buckboard Vizoskie, Ben5/16/93Christie's Vizoskie, Sue5/16/93Sotheby's *Wachs, Glorya7/18/10A Twinkle of Amusement Walker, Lynn7/15/01Patience Walsh, William7/19/98A Topeka Lawyer Weart, Jane7/19/09A Syracusan Coin Wein, Cynthia5/08/87The Tyburn Tree *Wein, Richard5/17/85Rodger Prescott *Williams, Ralph5/18/80Killer Evans *Willis, Lynn5/17/91Our American Friend Zatz, Bob7/22/18The Penalty of the Law

*These members have passed beyond the Reichenbach.